Expressions of my classroom experiences.

Saturday, October 24, 2009


It is a challenge to teach English to students that after eleven years of having an English class still think it is difficult to communicate in what they consider a forgein language. To get students to communicate orally is not an easy task, but some are willing to do so as long as they “think” it is a game. In the 1990’s what got my students communicating in English was having a PenPal. This inspired many of my students to write in English and when the time came they even spoke in English (via video cameras, video phone and snail mail). They found their ability to communicate with other students in different parts of the world a facinating experience. I still try to do this with the many new manners and opportunities the Internet provides to communicate. Now it is easier and quicker to send messages, video and receive feed back for quick learning experiences in the classroom. Colaborative projects with another class is an excellent way to get students communicating and at the same time having a learning experience inside and outside the classroom. I have even had students that visit each other during the summer recess.
A few great places where students can begin the process of communicating in English or any other language being learned are:

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